Brand New VMEDIA Online Database V2 With so many different recording formats, memory card types, media sizes, compatibility issues and upgrade requirements, it can be a challenge trying to find compatible memory cards or SSDs for your camera or recorder. However, Lewis has been extremely hard at work to make this easier for you with the VMEDIA Online Database V2 which is organised into the most popular brands and sortable by camera model, which gives details on compatibility, data rates and approximate recording times too
IATA Guidelines For Air Transport of Lithium Metal and Lithium-Ion Batteries The rules have on air travel with Lithium-ion batteries have become much more restrictive recently and this article give updated advice on the new limitations.
Drive and Media Sales VMEDIA is a partner of media reseller, CCK Media and can now supply you with SSD, drive and card sales as part of our rental service.
Types of Apple Prores Codecs The Apple ProRes format comes in five versions: Apple ProRes 4444, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ), Apple ProRes 422, Apple ProRes 422 (LT), and Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy). This is an overview of their specifications
Tips on Data Recovery This article gives some useful tips on what to do if you are unlucky enough to experience the unthinkable of perhaps losing your data, through corruption or media failure.
How to Avoid Data Loss An article to give helpful tips on best practice to avoid data failure and corruption by adopting some sensible precautions and sharing best-practice.