FAQ Security Policy (Return to Privacy Centre)Credit Card and Personal InformationNo personally identifying information divulged to VMI via our website or any other database will be stored on secure servers at and not released to any other party without your explicit written authorisation unless as expressly provided in the VMI Privacy Policy.Secure Socket Layer (SSL) ProtectionThe purchase area of our website is secure.Non-encrypted ServerSome browsers may experience problems with SSL enabled websites. If you are experiencing problems using our online shopping and account facilities under SSL protection, our non-encrypted server is available. Please note that the non-encrypted server does not encrypt any information when transmitted. If you have any queries about this protection please email our Customer Services Team.General StatementsThere is a compliance or responsible officer who deals with security of information and personal data.All employees are briefed on the importance of personal data and security and confidentiality of information obtained.We control physical security in relation to the information and personal data that is contained at our facilities and restrict access to the computer rooms, technology areas, equipment and other facilities where unauthorised access by people could compromise our security.All proprietary or confidential information, including personal data, is contained on computer and any that is contained and stored on manual files are locked up and secure.We seek to control access to the information and personal data, including existing procedures for authorising and authenticating users as well as software controls for restricting access and techniques for protecting data such as encryption. We monitor and log access so as to assist in detection and investigation of security breaches and any attempted breaches where they occur.We endeavour to maintain a business continuity plan as a contingency plan, which identifies our business functions and assets (including personal data) which would need to be maintained in the event of disaster and set out the procedures for protecting and restoring them if necessary.We train our staff on security systems and have relevant procedures in place. Accordingly VMI staff are aware of information security issues and they can go to the relevant officer with any issues relating to the Data Protection Act/Privacy or personal data.